Essay Tree Plantation Program in Bangladesh India SSC HSC

How to make tree Plantation Program in Bangladesh A Success

The plantation of trees is of great importance in order to survive on earth. There is ample scope for plantation of trees in our country. Because Bangladesh is mostly a plain and riverine country. Lands in the upper region of a river are highly suitable for the growth and development of trees. Besides, sea-beaches, low-lying unused lands. sides of highways and roads can be brought under the scheme of tree plantation. Again. in the hilly areas of Chittagong hill tracts and Sylhet there are many lands left unused. These lands can also be brought under the plantation of different kinds of trees. In order to make tree plantation programme a success an extensive and vigorous propaganda should be taken for planting trees through out the country. Both government and private sectors have to work hand in hand by taking a vigorous programme for planting more and more trees in the country. Most of the village people in our country are    ignorant  of the benefits of planting trees. So, they should be taught the value and  importance of planting and p;eserving trees. If we can allure them to it. our programme will be a success to some extent. They should also be taught about the evils of undiscriminating ('Wllq) destruction of trees. As soon as we cut down a tree, we should compensate by planting at least two. Rainy season is the proper time in our country for plantation of trees. Every year in the month of June and July tree plantation weeks are observed throughout the country. Everybody should come forward at that time to plant more and more trees in the country in order to live a happy and prosperous life.