Easy Composition & Essay Writing On My Experience of A Rainy Day

My Experience of 'A Rainy Day'

A rainy day is a day of rainfall. It dislocates all activities of normal life. We have many such days in our country during the rainy season. Here is the description of such a day. It was the month of S  abg The sky had been overcast with clouds for a few days with occasional drizzles (w  zj) O:lhe 15th July, 2007 a heavy shower began at about nine in the morning. As the rainfall continued, the thought of going to school was out of question. I began to watch the scene through the window. What a horrible scene it wasf The roads and streets were under knee-deep water. Almost all kinds of vehicles stopped moving and lay standing aside. Only double-deckers plied on, splashing (Zl) water on all sides. The ripples (Cw they raised entered the ground floors of many roadside houses and shops. Some urchins (vJW ,Wf) enjoyed themselves in swimming and sprinkling (fwlcw) water in fun. Here and there were people wading (wcm :lt:tJ fwcg  slowly through water with their clothes drawn up high above the knees. The small park on the other side of our house was looking a vast sheet of water. The rain stopped after about an hour but it took a long time more for water to subside. All kinds of vehicles began to move again and people went about their business with hurried steps. I came out to see the condition in nearby Ianes. Water had entered most of the slums and bustee houses. A few sheds had tumbled down altogether under the heavy downpour. All these sight reminded me of the picture of vilIage life in a rainy day. The misery of the poor people especially the day labourers know no bounds. But the rich enjoy the day very much.