Essay Writing On My Family or Your Family SSC HSC

My Family

I belong to a middle class family. It consists of my grandparents, my father, mother, elder brother and myself. My grandfather is a retired army officer. He is still strong and healthy. Though he is past sixty, she is active and hard working. She is very submissive and genfle. She loves us very much.
My father is a ir:'ce holder. He works as an accountant in a private firm. He always remains busy with his office works. Sometimes he goes to his office even on Friday. So far Iow he is very active, honest and sincere in his work. Everybody likes him for his good looking and good behaviour. My mother is one of the finest ladies in the world. She does not poke her nose !n anything. She is working as a receptionist in a private firm. She has to get up very early in the morning. She is always smiling. When she returns home, smiJe returns to every one's face. My elder brother is a studenr of class X. He is a very serious student and doesn't take part in any activities other than his studies. His mind is always fixed on P.C.M (i.e. Physics. Chemistry and Mathematics) As for myself, I am twelve years old. I am the youngest member in the family. Although I am a student of class vii, the whole family treats me as a chiId. No one calls me by my proper name. I am 'chhotu' for dI of them. I really feel very awkward, when my parents call me 'chhotu' in the presence of my friends. My friends have also started caLhng me by this nick-name. Ours is a very happy family and I wish it to prosper day in and day out.