Easy Composition & Essay Writing On The Pollution of Our Environment

The Pollution of Our Environment

The world aroun existence of all ligsb9:tti;glyX:l,:eeded pYabs, dnay(f) pf liludiost 'iSt;llt;::j 9gtteVse: various kinds of mechanized ttansports, chemical fertilizers and the destruction of forests and trees are the main causes of the pollution of our environment. For instance, air, which is one of the most important elements of our environment, js continuously getting polluted. The most common factor that pollutes air is smoke. Smoke of alJ kinds oollutes it. Man makes fire for cooking food, burning refuse, melting pitch etc. All these create smoke and smoke by mixing with air pollutes it. Agai. :al  'ay engmes  mills and factories. buses. cars. trucks. steamers. launches and other automoli'es use L:.1: petrol. diesel and oil to make energy. When they are burnt, they cre t  sam ke and smok" pol'utes air. The most serious air pollution often occurs in big industriaJ  r   s where thXg are many mills and factories and in many big cities where many buses, trucks and cars ply on the streets.     Warer, which is another important element of our env'ronmet:, also gets pOlluted.    Chemical fertilizers and insecticides used in the fields and the throwing of industrial    wastes into rivers and canals pollute their water. Again, human waste and filth from   insanitary Iatrines and kuntcha drains running into the rivers and canals and ultimately   pollute water.   In this way the pollution of air and water ultimately causes various kinds of diseases and  sometimes causes death to many people.  Besides of these, undesirable sounds that come out from motor vehicles, mills and factories, aeroplanes, radios, microphones, televisions etc. are responsible for pollution of environment. They affect our hearing, our nerves, our ability to work efficiently and our general health. So, all of us should come forward to prevent all kinds of pollution to ensure a hea.lthier and happierlife for all.