Easy Composition & Essay Writing On The Problem of Illiteracy

The Problem of Illiteracy

Even sfter about thirty-four years of independence, illiteracy still remains one of the greatest problems of Bangladesh. It is the gravest threats to the progress and development of our country. llliteracy keeps people chained (pwpwwwPfl to ignorance and superstition (7PTWlzI)Dlt is an obstacle in the way of progress and prosperity. In our country. there are still many peopJe who do not believe in modem medicine and treatment rather prefer to go to the village quack and K-abiraj for treatment of their serious diseases. They even refuse to take pan in any family-planning programme and think that the more children they have the more bread-earners there will be. They are not educated themselves, nor do they want to send their children to schooL  We must create awareness among the people the necessity of literacy. Those of us who are fortunate enough to be literate should teach those who don't have this facility. Literacy creates consciousness among the people regarding their rights and duties'. It enables people to be better citizens. If the people are literate only then they can do something for the betterment and progress of their country.  "Each one-teach one" should be the motto of every literate person in the country. It's a great hope that the present government has taken an intensive programme for literacy  movement. It aims at removing iIHteracy from the society within twenty years. As such govt has recently made primary education free and compulsory and declared female education up to H.S.C level free. If this programme comes out successful the greater oart of our illiterate people is iikely to be free from the curse of illiteracy.