Super Common Essay Writing On The Uses and Abuses of Television SSC HSC

The Uses and Abuses of Television

Television is one of the wonders of modern science. It has asserted its supremacy over all other means of communications like newspaper. radio, cinema etc. The use of Television: Television is the latest media of communication. It offers us opportunities to listen to the voice aiong with the image of the speaker. It plays a vital role in our day to day life. It provides us with the day to day news and views of home and abroad. Besides news, dramas, sports, film-shows, cinemas, and many other important events are screened on it. We can enjoy them sitting in our drawing room. After day's work, we can enjoy them sitting before a television set in our drawing room. Specially we can enjoy games and sports like football, cricket, tennis. etc held in different parts of the world. It also cheers us with its musical programmes. Television is one of the best media of advertisements. Information about new products and services are flashed before millions of people in a few seconds through it. Through television political leaders can make people aware of their programmes and can form their opinions.  In addition to these, it telecasts special programmes for special listeners like for the students. the farmers. the children, the women, the housewives. the labourers and so forth. In developing countries like us, it instructs the common people about the value of family planning, dangers of over population. rules of health, value of education etc. It's really a unique addition to the history of modern civlization and culture. If we can use it properly in can bring infinite good for us. The abuse of Television: Television has got its dark sides also. Sometimes, students prefer enjoyin  telev's'on to study. They spend their valuable hours by watching television programmes. Besides this, tt,'ev's'on leaves a great influence on Juvenile mind. Some of the programmes and film shows nor always suitable for the whole family. Sometimes, obscene films and almost naked pictures are shown on television that demoralise the youth of a country.