How I spent My Summer Vacation For SSC HSC

How I spent My Summer Vacation 

A forrnight before the summer break, we stopped taking interest in studies. Every one of us made an ambitious plan to visit some place. But man proposes and god disposes. On the very first day, my mother slipped in the kitchen and broke her ankle. Her whoie leg was plastered and she was advised bed rest for three weeks. So, I had to prepare tea and cook food for the whole family. I kept company with my mother, told her stories and tried to make her happy in every manner. Besides, I had to take her to the bath-room. serve her food and change her clothes. As no male member could help, I had to bear the burden alone. Whenever she was to be carried to the bath-room, I had to be very careful about the plaster on her leg. Three weeks were over. We had to take her to the hospital to get the plaster cut. There was a long line of patients and we had to wait in the varandah sitting on the wooden bench. It was a real hell on the earth. The patients were crying with pains. Some were taken on stretchers. other could walk with difficulty. When we took my mother to the doctor, the doctor told us that plaster was to be repeated. My friends wrote form Rangamati that they were naving nice time. My friends described the pleasant weather and their trek (:rcr) from Rangamati to Cox's Bazar. I wish. I couid fly like a bird and join them. One of my aunts came from Rajshai to see my mother. Her younger son was also with her. So I had to look after not oniy my mother and members of  our own family but aunt and her naughty son as well. This is how I spent my last summer  vacation. What,if there were no vacation.