Importance Essay Of The Floods of Bangladesh SSC HSC

The Floods of Bangladesh

The  unusual swelling of water that overflows the banks of the river:    area of land is called a flood. Bangladesh, being a land of rivers often falls victim to floods   almost every year.   Floods are caused for various reasons. Excessive and continuous heavy rainfall is the main   cause of floods in our country. When there is heavy rain for a number of days, the rivers  can't hold and carry down so much water to the sea. As a result, the water overflows the  banks of the rivers and submerges a vast area of land. Sometimes heavy rushes of water  running down from the mountains create floods.  Floods create great damage to our life and properties. They sweep away our crops, cattle  and houses and throw us in the grip of extreme distress. Thousands of people become  homeless, helpless and suffer greatly for want of sheker, food and pure drinking water. Famine and pestilence break out in the wake of floods. People often drink dirty water as a result of which epidemics break out in the shape of c7g.era, diarrhoea, dysentery etc. The prices of all daily necessary goods go up and people suffer greatly. But floods do some good to us. During floods our rivers carry a great deal of silt that makes our soil alluvial and fertile. As a result our soil becomes suitable for growing more and better crops. Floods wash away all sorts of rubbishes and purify the surface of the earth. Though floods are a'natural calamity in Bangladesh, yet it can be prevented by taking proper measures. By building dams and embankments across the rivers floods can be brought u ;se p:tro'. Secondly  by dredging the river beds from time to time occasional flood can a  o be controlied t  '1y.,e ext :.It:s encouraging to note that the government of Bangladesh is fully aware of this problem   d has already taken several measures to control it.