Importance of Newspapers For Student of SSC HSC


 Man is curious by nature. He wants   to know about various things of the world. 'Newspaper is the best way to satisafyt t  icuriosity. Newspapers give us news of day to     y happenings of home and abroad.  There are various kinds of newspapers such as the daily, the weekly, the monthly, the  fortnightly and so on. The dady newspapers carry the news of the daily affairs of the  whole world..So daily newspapers are popular with all sections of people. Others are  known as periodicals which mainly contain poems, stories, articles etc. Newspapers are  very useful to us. They tell us what is happening at home and abroad.  I sections of people such as students,lawyers, politicians, traders, sportsmen etc. always  feel the necessity of newspapers. They find in the newspapers some items of information  that are very useful to them. Merchants read newspapers to know the condition of the  market, lovers of sports go through them to get the sports news, politicians come to know  the political news of the world. Besides the employment seekers get useful information  AbOut jobs. Newspapers are the best media of advertisement. Businessmen bring their  products and goods m the notice of a wide circle of people through them. People also  express their opinions through newspapers. The firsi and foremosi duty of a newspaper is to furnish correct news and impartial views. But it is ofien ignored. As the newspapers are owned by different political parties, they prc,vide news and express views in their own way. Really speaking, newspapers sometimes suppress the truth and spread lies. Hence newspapers are not always an unmixed blessing. Napoleon said, "Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets".  In spite of some draw-backs newspapers are the most important and useful media of communication. We cannot think of a day without them. The more we read newspapers, the more we can acquire knowledge. If we do not read them, we shall be like frogs in a dark well.