Important Essay Of The Domestic Animals of Bangladesh SSC HSC

The Domestic Animals of Bangladesh

The animals that we keep in our houses are called domestic animals. There is a large .number of domestic animals in Bangladesh. They are the cow, the goat, the sheep, the  buffaio and the horse besides the pet animals like the dog. the cat, etc. Most of the animals  are useful to us.  Of all domestic animals the cow and the buffalo are the most useful to us. Both the animals are used in ploughing lands and drawing carts. The goat and the sheep that -bre also useful domestic animals are found in almost every house in Bangladesh. All these drXest'c animals provide us with milk and meat. Their skins are used in making leather goods. The horse is our another domestic animal. It is noted for its strength and swiftness. It can run very fast. It carries peopIe and goods from one place to another. The dog as one of our domestic pet animals guards our houses at night against thieves and other nuscreants. The cat kills the rats and other harmfulinsects of our house. But the general condition of our domestic animals is rather far from satisfaction. Our animals are not as healthy as they shouId be. Only a few of them are quite.healthy, but most of them are weak. tired and sick. Several of them are just skin and bone. The main                                             

reason of it is that they do not get enough food to eat. The continued deficit in food  ultimately results into unhealthy condition of our domestic animals. They suffer from                                                                                                       various diseases too and very often they die. Our domestic animals are our great asset. Their condition should be improved at any cost for the sake of our interest. We can improve their condition by giving them proper food, . treatment and providing them with good housing facilities. So, we must feed them properly and give them proper and timely treatment of their diseases. The better we can ensure their healthy condition. the greater benefits we can get from them.