Important Essay Writing On Tea us A Popular Drink For SSC HSC

Tea us A Popular Drink

Tea is dre most populur dri,,k in the worid today. It is very refreshing and invigorating. Now a days ii has become so popular thac even in a remote village a guest or a viSitor is enterta,ncd wirh a cup of tea Jr is obtained from the leaves of ica plants.  Tea plants grow well on the slope of the hills where there is much rainfall but no water stands In Bangladesh, there air Lea gardens in the hilly regions of Sylhet. (,omilla and Chirtagong Hill Tracts. in the gurrhn tea plarus are generally pJanted in rows at some intervals. After a cenain stage in their growth the twigs of the plants are pruned and the buds arc nipped up so that they cannol reach ffl a height of more than three feet  . Ieaves are plucked four times a year - in ApriI. June, July and August. After gathering leaves and buds they are rolled by a machine and dried in a cauldron over a furnace. 'r this process. tea is ready for consumption.   The preparation of tea as a drink is simple but inreresting. Water is first boiled and then the  desired quarmy of tea dust is put in it. Afier a few minutes the boiled leaves are separated  from the liquor. Then the liquor is poured into a cup and some milk and sugar are mixed  with ir Thus we get tea as a tasty drink.           

 Tea is a refreshing drink It removes our riredness, refreshes our mind and stimulates our vigour and energy  it removes drowsiness and fatigue. It is now commonly used for the enrenainmern of guests m our COIUUry Recently some doctors in China opined tea specially green tea is an antidote CO cancer and heart disease   But too much taking of tea causes harm to our health. Excessive drinking of tea often kills our appetite. Sometimes it causes gauric and peptic ulcer.