Important Essay Writing On The Necessity of Value of Time SSC HSC

The Necessity of Value of Time

Time is the most valuable factor in our life. It is fugitive. It never breaks its journey to eternity. It is wise to make proper use of time so long we are alive. There is no certainty  that we would live tomorrow. So. rn'esent is the best time of which we must make the best use of.  Every work has its proper time. So any negligence or delay may lead us to failure. The habit of indolence (zWTVJ) is a great enemy to our way of success. To make life fruitful we should, therefore, make the proper use of time. Students must follow this rule strictly. They must sit to read when it is time for reading and go to play when it is time for playing and so on.  If we look around us we see that the successful men are those who have made the best use of time. Time once gone is gone forever. Lost wealth may be regained by hard labour, lost knowledge by study. lost health by taking proper food and medicine but lost time can never be brought back by any means. It always goes its way and waits for none. It is only by utilizing every moment of our time, perfectly, we can hope to achieve success in our endeavour.  So to make any wastage of time is a crime. Those who waste their time in idleness cannot succeed in life. They suffer in the long run. The wastage of time keeps us away from happiness and progress and paves the way for disgrace and distress. We should, therefore, make the best use of our time.