SSC HSC Composition On Some Notable Fruits of Bangladesh

Some Notable Fruits of Bangladesh

The soil and climate of Bangladesh are highly suitable for growmg various kinds of fruits. Descriptions of some notable fruits of Bangladesh are given below:-  Jackfruit: The jackfruit is the largest of aIl fruits. It is our national fruit. It is found during the summer. It has a rough and prickly skin. Inside the skin the fruit is found to be composed of many flakes. It is very juicy and tasty.  Mango: The mango is the most popular fruit in Bangladesh. It is called the king of fruits. It grows all over the counrry. But the mangoes of Rajshahi and Dinajpur are the best. They are famous for their sweetness, flavour and taste.  Orange: The orange is another delicious and nutritious fruit. It is available in winter. It is round in shape. It gives us delicious juice. The best orange grows at Chhatak in Sylhet.  Pineapple: The Pineapple is the next delicious and juicy fruit of our country. Its skin is also rough and prickly. The best kind of it grows in Srimangal and Madhupur of Tangail.  Banana: The banana is the most common fruit of Bangladesh. Everybody likes it for its softness and taste. It has different varieties. Among them the Sabri and the Sagar are the is available in aH seasons.  Coconut: The coconut is Onother well-known fruit of our country. ll grows mainly in coastal areas. The milk of the green coconut is refreshing and highly useful for bowel  trouble. The kernelinside it is a nutritious food and a source of oil.

Other fruits: There are many other fruits such as black berries, plums, wood apples, guavas, Iichis, papayas, water melons, dates, etc. which are also very well known and popular in our country. Besides these, there are some fruits, which taste sour. Of these lemon, star apple. batabi, kamranga, amra, tamarind are notable.