The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Town Life and the Country life

The Town Life and the Country life
The Advantages and Disadvantages of the town life and the Country life

William Cowper, the famous English poet, wrote, 'God has made the country and man has made the town." This famous quotation expresses the difference between town life and village life. In the country we see God made the wide open sky above, the ever green trees  and meadows, beautiful flowers and murmuring streams on the earth below. But what we  see in the town is man-made product.  It's true that both town life and country life has its advantages and disadvantages. In the       country there are no good roads for easy and pleasant transport. It lacks in recreationaf        faciliries to satisfy different tastes. The sanitary conditions are unsatisfactory, and so are       medical and educational facilities because good doctors and teachers generally avoid      villages on account of good opportunities. Even the shops carm't always supply all the       necessities of modern life. So people have to run to nearby towns for their requirements.       But the counrry life has its bright side also. The fish, vegetables and fruits we get here are     fresh, the air we breathe is pure. We are in direct touch with Nature, which enables us to     retain something of our divine origin.    Towns, on the other hand, provide us with all the necessities of modern Iife. There are    good roads for comfortable transport, electricity for physical comfort, good schools and    colleges for better education, good hospitals and clinics for proper medica! treatment and    good shops to meet all our wants. For recreation there are different clubs, Iibraries, cinema   halls, parks, zoos etc.   But town life has its disadvantages too. The air is full of pollution and the food is mostly  adulterated. Its constant din and buslle tells upon our health.  Thus country life and town Jife stand in a striking contrast. The facilities of one are the  drawbacks of other and vice-versa. Town people are cultured. civilized and cleverer than of the village people. But still the life of village is worth enjoying because it provides tranquillity ('tTRg). calmness and peace of mind which are apparently ('Ywy$r) absent from the life in the towns.