The Winter Season Of Bangladesh Essay For SSC HSC

The Winter Season of' Bangladesh

  Bangladesh is a shining example of varieties of seasons. Each season appears itself with its  o'vn features and beauties. The winter is one of the six seasons. It comprises the BengaH  months of Poush and Magh. It is the coldest period in Bangladesh. During this season the  atmosphere remains dry and hazy.  Wiruer brings about a change in Nature. At the advent of winter, Nature becomes dull and gloomy. The Ieaves of some trees wither at the touch of its icy hand. Days gradually become shorter and nights become longer. Cold wind blows continuously from the north  The morning often remains fogg and sometimes nothing can be seen even at a little ::stance. The sky often remains  7oudless and the rays of the sun become very mild. The dew drops fallen on the grasj '   k like glittering pearls when the rayspf morning sun fall on them. The old and the poor are often seen to busk in" the sun in order to warm themselves. During this season, different kinds of fresh ve etables, fruits and fishes are found avaiIable in the 'narket. The roads in the rural areas  f  in dry. So, it is convenient to walk from one pJace to another. It is the most convenient time for holding picnics, festivals, social                                               
functions and various kinds of out-door games and sports. The generaJ health of the people remaul.s in a good condition. People can get extra energy for working hard and live better. It is the seaso  that heralds the advent of spring. But this season is not an unmixed blessing. The poor people suffer greatly from cold for want of warm clothes. The old and the children often shiver with biting cold. Eyery year some old people die because of severe cold. Even the animals, birds. worms and insects feel the pinch of cold.