Writing Essay On Advantages of Reading Newspapers SSC HSC

Advantages of Reading Newspapers

The newspapers have their own imp rtance and advantages. In modern times, newspapers are considered to be the gi::::i:,ormation, news and v ews. They brin  to us news from all the comers of the w :d. It has rightly remarked that modern world9s : world of press and morning newspapers     
                                          Thmugh newspapers, we get news - local. national as well as international. The newspapers also report social, political and religious events to us. All sections of people such as students. lawyer politicians. traders. sportsmen etc. always feel the necessity of newspapers. They fmd in the newspapers some items of information that are very useful to them. Merchants read newspapers to know the condition of the market, lovers of sports go through them to get the sports news and politicians come to know the political news of the wortd. Besides the employment seekers get useful information about jobs. Newspapers are the best media of advertisement. Businessmen bring their products and goods to the notice of a wide circle of people through them. People also express their opinions through newspapers They create among the readers the spirit of goodwill and mutual understanding for other nations of the world.   They are also the best media of publicity and propaganda. In the advertisement columns  businessmen bring their products and goods to the notice of a wide circle of people  through newspapers. Newspapers play a great role in mobilizing public opinion on various  national issues. They make us realize our duties and make us aware of our responsibiliues.  Sometimes people also express their just and right opinion.on various great problems of the country through newspapers. From the point of view of education, they have a great value. They publish the latest reports regarding the researches made. discoveries done and inventions achieved in the various fields. We know the ideas and thoughts of 'vorld-renowned thinkers, writers, poets, scientists. reformers, philosophers and politicians through newspapers. Thus, newspapers are the important limbs of modern society. Some newspapers give news regarding murder, crime, scandals, abduction etc. This types of news can have a little bad effect upon the readers. But as compared with the merits of newspapers these disadvantages are far less than the advantages.