Writing Essay The Utility And Importance Of Our Rivers SSC HSC

The Utility and Importance of our rivers

Bangladesh is a land of rivers. The rivers are the blessings of Almighty Allah and pride to us. They are closely related to our economy and the prosperity of our country  Ours is an agricultural country. Our agriculture largely depends on our rivers. Our rivers

make our lands aIluvial and fertile by scattering silt over them during the rainy season.   They he'p ou:r agriculture by supplying water to our lands during the dry season through   irrigation. It is for this reason that our farmers can produce enough crops easily.   Our rivers are an important means of our communication, As most of our rivers are  navigable, they are suitable for carrying people and goods from one place to another by  boats, steamers and launches all the year round. For this reason, most of the towns, ports  and business centres like Chandpur, Narayangonj. Barlsal, Sirajgonj etc have grown up on  the banks of the rivers.  Our rivers are a great source of wealth. They provide us with lots of fishes all the year  round. Abourlf a million people of our country are engaged in fishing which goes a  long way to solve the unemployment problem of our country. They are also a great source of energy. Most of the rivers in the North east region of our country have strong current, which can be used to produce electricity. The Karnafuli Hydroelectric project is an instance of this.        . Our rivers have a great influence on our life, culture and Iiterature. Many of our poets, writers and artists have got their inspiration from the beauty and majesty of the rivers. Bhatialy, which is a pride of our culture, is closely reIated to the boatmen and the rivers. It is true that our rivers sometimes do a great harm to us. StiIl they are great blessings to us. They are our pride, hope and happiness.